Author: The Brilliant Culture

If you’re older than 40 and have been blessed with good health so far, then your odds of you staying healthy and vibrant depend on how proactive you are about your health. Getting screened sooner rather than later is the key to protecting your future health. Here are some essential health screenings women over 40 should consider: 1. Yearly eye exams If you’re over 40, you should have an eye exam every year. An eye exam can detect early signs of eye diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. Early detection is the key to ensuring neither of these conditions…

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Whether you’re looking for an adventure with friends, a romantic getaway, or an escape from daily life, there are plenty of amazing girl’s getaways around the globe.  Whether it’s to soak up some culture and take in the sights or simply spend time with your girlfriends away from home, these unique destinations will have you feeling like a local after just one experience.  Whether you prefer sandy beaches and azure waters to rocky coastlines and snowy peaks, we’ve found some of the best girl’s getaways across the world – and they’re all within striking distance (pun intended).  From luxurious resorts…

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With the pace of today’s business world constantly accelerating, it can be challenging to keep up. Today’s tech-savvy job applicants are expected to have an in-depth knowledge of how to use technology and digital tools to their advantage. This is why soft skills are becoming more critical than ever before. Soft skills are social abilities such as communication, teamwork, leadership, self-control, and empathy that aren’t typically emphasized in technical education programs. These skills are essential for anyone who wants a successful career in any field or organization. Whether you’re just starting your first job or looking for new ways to…

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Unfortunately, it doesn’t always go as planned.  Layoffs are bound to occur when the economy turns sour and your company goes through some tough financial times.  Regardless of the reason, being fired is never easy.  It can be even more complicated when you don’t have a backup plan waiting in the wings to get you through those stressful first few weeks after losing your job.  In fact, there are quite a few positive things that can come from the loss of a job other than needing time to grieve and get yourself back on your feet financially again.  Keep reading…

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With a tight job market and an ever-growing demand for workers, it’s no surprise that many people are finding themselves at a crossroads.  Do you continue seeking your next opportunity or stay put in your current role?  How can you get promoted at your current job?  The answer may not be as straightforward as you think.  Getting promoted is not always a foregone conclusion.  Even those with the requisite skills and qualities may struggle to move up the ranks if they do not have the right environment to succeed.  Fortunately, there are numerous ways to get promoted other than simply…

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Whether you’re a gamer, artist, writer, or hobbyist in some other field, you probably love exploring new hobbies and getting inspired by anything and everything.  And with the current state of the job market and growing demand for skilled workers, it’s no wonder that people are starting to turn their hobbies into careers.  The good news is that your passion for something can translate into other areas of your life more quickly than you might think.  All you need to do is think outside the box and find ways to make your hobby useful.  If you want to know more…

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Finding your perfect career isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be scary, either.  Today, there are more job opportunities than ever before, and if you know how to navigate the process, you’ll find yourself landing your ideal job sooner than you think.  But before you can even think about what type of jobs might interest you, you’ll need first to take stock of the current situation in your life and evaluate if that is the right time for a career change.  Here are some tips to help you transition into a new vocation confidently and efficiently. 1. Understand your…

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Starting your own business can be scary, exhilarating, and challenging.  And if you’re just starting, that might seem like a lot to take in all at once.  Keep in mind that starting a business is also exciting and rewarding.  There are so many opportunities as well as risks when starting a business.  However, with some research and planning, starting a company doesn’t have to be as intimidating or overwhelming as some think.  If you’re wondering whether now is the right time to start a business or not, check out the following article for ideas on how to get going today.…

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The world of business is constantly evolving. The challenges and opportunities in franchising have never been more significant, which is why more entrepreneurs are looking to start their own company with a franchise as their answer. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of starting a franchise so that you can make the right decision. Whether you’re just getting your business idea or are ready to take the next step, understanding the challenges and benefits of starting a franchise can help you reach your goals sooner rather than later. Read on to learn more about what it takes…

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TikTok is one of the world’s leading video-sharing apps, with more than 250 million users and growing.  As an account holder, you can also create a business profile on TikTok.  Check out this article for tips on how you can market your business on TikTok. Know Your Audience First and foremost, you need to understand your target audience. Who are they? What do they like? Where are they located? What are their interests? With the vast number of people using TikTok, you’ll need to know what attracts their attention and what they are looking for.  Knowing these answers will help…

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