Author: The Brilliant Culture

The holidays are approaching fast!  Soon you’ll be entertaining and the only thing on your mind will be what to make for the festive meal.  The problem is, you don’t know any Italian dishes beyond spaghetti and meatballs.  Luckily, this is where the real flavor of the season comes in – with some delicious Italian recipes.  Even if you don’t know much about Italian cuisine, this list of 8 Italian dishes you’ll want to make for the holidays should give you a solid start! 1.  Panzanella Panzanella is a traditional Italian dish.  There are many recipe variations, but the base…

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If you’re like most people, finding ways to reduce your energy bill concerns you. After all, it’s not just about the cost; many people are also concerned about their carbon footprint. When it comes down to it, there are many ways to reduce your energy bill without making any significant lifestyle changes. Here are five simple tips that can help you reduce your energy bill. 1. Take advantage of natural light Did you know that you can use natural light as an energy source? You can, and this is an incredible way to simultaneously simultaneously reduce your energy bill and…

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Adolescent siblings spend a lot of time together.  Between sharing rooms, going to school, and spending so much time together, it’s no surprise that tension is bound to build.  Sibling rivalry can be incredibly intense during adolescence when the younger sibling may feel like their older sibling is taking away their spotlight or not appreciating them for who they are.  Instead of ignoring the tension and hoping for the best, take these steps to help prevent rivalry from tearing your family unit apart. 1.  Model healthy behavior yourself If you have a set of adolescent siblings, chances are that your…

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You’ll know if your child is feeling anxious, lonely, or sad. You might even see it in their behavior. But how do you help them express that feeling? When kids don’t have the right coping skills to deal with their feelings, they can turn to negative habits such as hiding their emotions or acting out. You need to work on these common indicators to help your child understand and express their feelings more positively. But it’s not always easy for parents to know what to do. This article will provide you with five simple ways to help your kids feel…

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If you’re reading this, it’s likely you are about to start your final year of high school.  Even though that means it’s time to say goodbye to all you know and meet new people in a different environment, it can be a nerve-wracking time for many.  As you approach this milestone, be mindful that change and uncertainty can potentially translate to anxiety and stress.  There are things you can do to help ease the transition into adulthood and prepare yourself for your first year of college.  Pay close attention to the realities discussed in this article so you can prepare…

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The best date nights are the ones that involve you spending time with your partner.  These intimate moments outside the confines of a typical day will help strengthen your relationship, and after all, isn’t that what dating is all about?  Couples who can’t quite make it to a restaurant or movie together often turn to home dates as an alternative.  Here are some romantic home dates you can plan for your sweetheart. 1. Plant a garden together Not only is gardening a great way to bond with your sweetheart, but it can also strengthen your relationship by providing tangible benefits,…

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When it comes to our personal lives, we often put so much pressure on ourselves to be productive and perfect. We build up a mountain of expectations that we can’t possibly meet, and as a result, we end up feeling overwhelmed and less than happy with ourselves. Luckily, there are ways you can simplify your life and make it more enjoyable. After all, life is meant to be lived rather than worked at. Let these seven tips help you live a little bit happier so that you don’t feel so driven by the weight of the world hanging on your…

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Everyone has their quirks and habits, and being a perfectionist sometimes happens to be one of them. Perfectionists are people who strive to achieve the highest standards at all times. They seek perfection in everything they do. If you find yourself constantly striving for the best results or finding fault with everything around you, chances are you’re a perfectionist too. Here are three clues that may help you identify whether or not you are one. 1. All-or-nothing mentality Perfectionists, like high achievers, set and work hard to achieve lofty goals. While a high achiever can be satisfied with doing a…

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As a society, we’ve become oversaturated with the concept of saying “yes.” When it comes to our personal and professional lives, this can be a good thing: when we say yes to opportunities and people, we’re extending ourselves and sharing our time.  However, saying “yes” to everything isn’t always the best option.  To feel more confident in our decisions and free ourselves from the pressures of others and ourselves, it is important to practice self-care by saying no occasionally.  For example, if you have a lot of things on your plate right now or if you feel like your friends…

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You are probably reading this because you feel stuck.  Something is holding you back and stopping you from moving forward.  Maybe it’s an unrealistic goal or a limiting belief.  However you are experiencing that resistance, it’s keeping you from achieving your goals and reaching your potential.  The good news is that changing your mindset can help reset your aspirations and open up new opportunities for success.  Here are seven ways to change your “cant do” mindset and get motivated again. 1.  Develop a vision for your future self Feeling stuck and lacking motivation makes it easy to fall into the…

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