If you believe that you are a brilliant person, or if your friends or family seem to think so, chances are you may be right. But even though brilliance is one of the essential human qualities, most people fail to see their inner brilliance. That’s why instead of cursing your luck and wondering if there’s anything you can change about yourself, it is better to start building your self-confidence from the inside out. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses; the sooner you acknowledge this and accept it as part of who you are rather than an obstacle that limits you from reaching your full potential, the happier you will be. Read on for more tips on how to embrace your inner brilliance!
1. Celebrate your achievements
First and foremost, it is important to always celebrate your achievements. Small wins are just as important as big wins. You should keep track of everything that you do well, be it completing a task on time, writing an outstanding article, or solving an issue that has been troubling you. Celebrate your wins and you will be reminded of the progress that you have made. This will also encourage you to push yourself even further than you would have otherwise. When you are constantly reminded of your successes, you will be more motivated to repeat them!
2. Reframe Your Thinking
If you have a tendency to look at mistakes as failures, you might find it difficult to celebrate your achievements. However, this is one of the first things that you can change. It’s not about what you did wrong, but more about how you interpret the situation. What matters most is not the end result, but the process. Everything that you did leading up to that moment was important. So, instead of dwelling on the one mistake that you made, reframe it in your mind as a valuable lesson to be applied in the future. You might find that you are able to celebrate your achievements even more because you are reframing your mistakes as lessons rather than failures!
3. Focus on your strengths
There are many people who are quick to point out their weaknesses, and there are others who are so focused on their strengths that they forget to acknowledge their weaknesses. The goal is not to be perfect, so even if you are focusing on your weaknesses, it is better than not focusing on anything at all. If you are able to recognize your strengths while also acknowledging your weaknesses, you will be able to capitalize on your true abilities. When you begin to focus on your strengths and find ways to use them to your advantage, you will feel much less self-conscious. Celebrating your strengths is an important step on the road to self-confidence.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others
No matter how hard you try to be like someone else, you will never be them. It might be tempting to compare yourself to other people, but it is never a good idea. There will always be people who are better than you in some areas, and that is okay. It’s important to realize that everyone has their own unique qualities, and comparing yourself to others can only lead to frustration. Instead, be proud of who you are, and have confidence in your own unique talents.

5. Surround yourself with supportive people
Having a close group of friends that can support you through the ups and downs of life is essential. Unfortunately, not everyone has this luxury, but this does not mean that you have to be lonely. You can find supportive people in all walks of life, be it through a professional networking group or a community program that you may be apart of on campus. Having a group of supportive people can help you to reframe your thinking and be more accepting of your weaknesses.
6. Be Curious About Everything
One of the most important things that you can do to build your self-confidence is to be curious about everything. There are so many things that you have yet to experience and understand, and you need to be open-minded enough to explore them. You don’t have to know everything right away, as the more curious you are, the more you will learn.
We cannot change who we are, but we can change how we react to who we are. If you are a brilliant person, use it to your advantage! Be proud of your achievements, reframe your mistakes, focus your strengths, and surround yourself with supportive people. Be curious about everything, and you will find that your self-confidence will soar to new heights.