Innovators are the ones who see new possibilities, think in ways no one else has before, and dare to pursue their ideas. They’re the first ones to try something new, and they tend to be very passionate about whatever it is they’re doing. If you’re anything like them, you could be an innovator too! Here are some of the characteristics that make up a true innovator. Keep reading if you want to know what makes you an innovator too!
1. Visionary
Visionary people tend to see things in a new way and have the ability to envision a future that others might not even be aware of yet. They’re the first ones to think about the big picture, and they’re the ones who are most likely to come up with new ideas that could change the world. They also tend to be very passionate and have strong feelings about what they want the world to be like.
2. Curious
True innovators tend to be very inquisitive. They love to learn, and they’re always asking questions. They like to try new things and always look for new opportunities. They love to see what’s under the surface of things and to figure out how things work.
3. Challenges the norms
True innovators don’t just want to do things differently, they want to challenge the norms. They want to do things that are different from everyone else, and that may not seem like a good idea to most people. They want to take risks, stand out, and do things that don’t follow the path others have been on before them. They like to break norms, want to be different, and be unafraid of failure.
4. Risk taker
True Innovators are risk-takers. They’re unafraid of failure, and they’re unafraid of losing. They like to step outside their comfort zones.
5. Views problems as opportunities
True innovators are optimistic. They are creative, insightful people who view problems differently from those around them. They’re more likely to see the opportunity in a problem than others and tend to see problems as opportunities for change. They like to be solution-oriented, and they want to see problems as ways of changing the world.
6. Adaptive
True innovators are adaptive. Adaptive people are always looking for ways to change or improve something. They’re constantly researching ways to improve things and always looking for ways to improve themselves and others.
7. Ambitious
True innovators are ambitious people. They’re not just ambitious about their own lives and successes, but they’re also ambitious about helping others do better. True innovators don’t just want to change the world; they want to make a difference in others’ lives and make the world a better place.
Innovation takes place on many levels. The big breakthroughs usually get the attention. To maintain its competitive edge in the long run, we need to encourage, support and celebrate innovation on a smaller, much broader scale. It all starts with leadership.