The Brilliant List Rankings

    Squad Goals 25

    Meet 25 ambitious minded friends that broke the mold.

    Purpose Driven 25

    Introducing 25 purpose driven couples made better by their better half.

    Business Moms 25

    Celebrating 25 resource minded Business Moms that took it to the next level.

    Innovative 25

    Recognizing 25 Fearless individuals who chose to win while against all odds.

    Unsung Heroes 25

    Honoring 25 selfless individuals who deserve the highest badge of honor

    Compassionate 25

    Recognizing 25 service-oriented non-profits that go the extra mile.

    Bridge Builders 25

    Meet 25 purpose minded individuals that are pillars of their community.

    Notable Newcomers 25

    Championing 25 enterprising teens destined for greatness.

    Movers & Shakers 25

    Introducing 25 goal oriented “20 somethings” that are forces of nature.

    Visionaries 25

    Esteeming 25 creative minded “30 somethings” that live outside of the box.

    Game Changers 25

    Meet 25 inspiring “40 somethings” charging full steam ahead.

    Difference Makers 25

    Heralding 25 Decision Minded “50 Somethings” that are moving the needle.

    Impactful 25

    Celebrating 25 Mission Driven “60 somethings” that are shifting paradigms.

    Trailblazers 25

    Recognizing 25 Character Driven “70 somethings” who’s experiences synergize action.

    Pioneers 25

    Honoring 25 Tenacious Minded “80 somethings” whose lives pushed the envelope.

    Lifetime Achievement 25

    Crowning 25 Extraordinary “90 somethings” whose lives exemplify progress.

    Standing Ovation 25

    Celebrating 25 “100 Somethings” whose contributions have evened the playing field for others